Lesson #6: Marital Sexuality

Opening Prayer

Opening Song: You Can Make the Pathway Bright #228

Lesson: Marital Sexuality

"A loving Heavenly Father reserved something divine, the physical union between husband and wife, for the heart of marriage.  God drew bounds around sacred physical union as something to be experienced with each other as husband and wife.  Sex within marriage potentially teaches Heavenly Father's deepest truths about oneness.  Sex within marriage is sanctified and serves great spiritual and temporal purposes, but as with most divine opportunities, much depends on the attitudes, timing, and behaviors of the individuals involved" (Hawkins, Dollahite, Draper).

Marital sexuality serves purposes for both husband and wife.  These purposes include becoming one, connecting with God, strengthening the emotional and spiritual bonds of marriage, avoiding temptations, and continuing the chain by bringing children into the family.

Share this quote by Elder Holland on the purpose of marital intimacy:

"Sexual intimacy is. . . .symbolic of a union between mortals and deity, between otherwise ordinary and fallible humans uniting for a rare and special moment with God himself and all the powers by which he gives life in this wide universe of ours. . . .Indeed, if our definition of sacrament is that act of claiming, sharing, and exercising God's own inestimable power, then I know of virtually no other divine privilege so routinely given to us all--woman or men, ordained or unordained, Latter-day Saint or non-Latter-day Saint--than the miraculous and majestic power of transmitting life, the unspeakable, unfathomable, unbroken power of procreation."

McCarthy and McCarthy (2003) listed attitudes that help promote positive marital sexuality:
  • Sexual interaction is a healthy component of marriage that need not be a source of negative feelings or guilt.
  • Married persons deserve to feel good about their bodies and to view sexual expression as a normal, healthy part of their marriage. 
  • Sexuality should be expressed in a way that enhances your intimate, marital relationship and bonds you together.
  • Couples should strive to create a "we" relationship, where both partners' sharing and pleasure is important as opposed to one person individually focused on what she or he will get out of the experience.
Ask the following questions as a couple:
  • What are things you can do to create a "we" relationship?
  • How can you make the other person feel good about their bodies and image?
Marital sexuality serves many purposes that are part of the divine plan of a loving Heavenly Father.  A sexual relationship is symbolic of the total union of husband and wife working together as "we" and "us" rather than individually.  "One of the important purposes of sexuality in marriage is to express love to each other, to bind husband and wife together in loyalty, fidelity, consideration, and common purpose" (Hawkins, Dollahite, Draper).

Closing Prayer

Activity: Mad Poetry

Depending upon the mood your are in, this can either be romantic or ridiculous.  While writing poetry together, taking turns writing every other line.  Start with a title and then let your spouse write the first line of the poem.  If you don't have a knack for poetry, you could write a story in the same fashion.  

Treat: Oreo Truffles

You can find the direct link to the recipe here.

  • 1 package (8 ounce) of cream cheese
  • 1 package of oreo cookies (finely crushed)  
  • 2 packages (8 squares each) of bakers chocolate melted
  1. Mix cream cheese and 3 cups cookie crumbs
  2. Shape into 1 inch balls.  Dip in melted chocolate; place on waxed paper-covered baking sheet.  Sprinkle with remaining cookie crumbs.  
  3. Refrigerate 1 hour until firm.  Store in tightly covered container in refrigerator.  
Text: Hawkins, Alan J., David C. Dollahite, and Thomas W. Draper.  Successful Marriages and Families:  Proclamation Principles and Research Perspectives.  Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 2012. Print. 
Activity: Tolman, B. (1995) Dating for under a dollar 301 ideas. Fruita, Colorado: National Family Institute.
Treat: http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/easy-oreo-truffles-95085.aspx

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